Praise for "I'm Not Great"

"It was hard to put down"

"[Lund] has an incredible boldness and . . . challenges everybody to look anew at Jesus. I can't put the book down."

"I think the book literally should be read by youth groups and young adult groups all around"

book cover - front


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C.B. Lund 

C.B. Lund is an IT Professional, Author, Toastmaster Award Winner, and recovering narcissist. He's passionate about sharing grace for those of us steeped in our ever-present mediocrity. He is a blog author for Key Life and has written for Red Tree Grace, Faith on View, and Between Cities. Lund was born and raised in Minnesota, and received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. He currently lives in South Minneapolis with his wife Autumn. They love inviting anyone and everyone into their home for Taco Tuesdays, reading at local parks, and checking out new breweries.